You're in. It's official. We're having a private coaching session and...



Alright, let's get to work.

We’ve got 90 minutes on the clock to uncover the rockstar business confidence you never knew existed.

You’re both brilliant and unstoppable, and together, we’ll figure out how you can use that genius to get the clients, cash flow, and credibility you deserve.

Your first step is to book a time for us to get together that’s suitable for you. 

Check out my availability via my calendly and grab a spot if one looks good. 

If you can’t find one that works, email me at ky*@co******.com, and we’ll work out something better.

Then, once you're booked in, it's time to tell me everything.

Clicking the “Fill In The Form” button below will take you to a short online questionnaire held separately in my private client portal.

By completing this questionnaire, I can better understand your business and what’s happening so I can do my job as your coach.

The form also includes questions about where you feel most and least confident in your business and what you’re aiming for in the future. Knowing this information beforehand means we can be wholly focused on what will make us most effective during our time together. 

Please help me to help you by completing AND submitting this form AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE we meet so I can prepare for an epic session!

Last but not least...Got questions?

Great, ’cause I got answers!

Email me at ky*@co******.com, and we’ll get everything sorted.

(P.S. Remember to fill in the form a couple of days before our session!👆🏽)