Kindly Ditch Your Elevator Pitch.

Like, immediately. Kill it. Make it disappear. RIP. I won’t tell anyone where it’s buried. Instead, we’re going to do something different… I’m writing this after some impromptu motivation while watching a recording of a group coaching session earlier today. Here’s what went down:   The (highly experienced) coach leading the session asked everyone in the […]

Siri, Search “Human Cloning for Dummies”

If you want something doing, do it yourself – right? Wrong. Here’s a surefire way of halting your business growth and propelling yourself into a stress vortex — try to do everything yourself. Delegation is a painful but necessary skill to master (read that two times)— and if you want to build a business that […]

Managing The “Impostor Experience”

You know who doesn’t get impostor syndrome?…Actual Impostors. Go Figure. Ever get the feeling you shouldn’t be where you are? You know, when you have a really good idea, decide to put on your big pants and pursue it, it goes really well, then all of a sudden, you feel like a total fraud, completely inadequate […]

Feeling Fake in Your Business?

It Might Be Time to Accept Your “Dynamic Identity” Instead… I had an interesting conversation the other day with one of my clients about identity and “feeling authentic” in her consulting business. She struggled with being “herself” as a high-level consultant. It’s understandable; the job asks a lot of you: in-depth market expertise, unwavering confidence, […]

I Took a Public Speaking Dive…and Didn’t Die.

Recently, I gave my first non-Zoom in-person talk in over three years. I’d consider myself an experienced speaker. I’ve hosted and presented live events for audiences of between 5 people and 50,000 people. I’m confident in my ability to talk to people I don’t know so I can help them to understand the things I […]

You are FIRED.

We’re Letting You Go. Heard that one recently?  Maybe it’s been paired with “sorry; it’s downsizing/after effects of Covid/Election results/ Gas prices/ *insert unhelpful buck-passing reason here*.”  Whatever it is, it’s a shame, but it’s probably gonna be the making of you – and I wish someone would have told me this 20 years ago.  […]